Friday, November 14, 2008

Thankful Day-After-Thursday

My Thursday was so jam-packed that I scarcely noticed it was OVER! So here is a really quick belated Thursday thanks...

This is an obvious one but I am SO thankful for this little girl! She always keeps her cool even when I don't, and she is constantly thinking of others. Whether it's putting a stuffed animal behind Brooklyn to cushion her fall if (when) she topples over, or sprinkling a little handful of Lucky Charms marshmallows into Daddy's bowl of Cheerios, or bringing me a book as soon as I sit down to feed Brooklyn (or my towel when I turn off the shower), this little one sure knows how to serve.

And the Kateism of the day: "I love you, Mommy Princess!"

Yes I am a princess.

4 sweet nothings:

Unknown said...

So cute! I'm thankful you have Kate, too.

Erika said...

Awwww, I'm so excited to see you all at Christmas!

Lis said...

how sweet!!!! I love the mommy princess comment! So cute! Ill have your pictures to you soon!!!! sorry! i have no computer here! (that has lightroom on it! AH!)

Angie said...

So sweet. Fun to read about her service.