Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I used to pride myself in my ability to break chain letters and the like with no repercussions: I am still alive, as well as my crush, and my third cousin, and none of us have endured 20 years of bad luck. As far as I know. But I have ignored enough "tags" (sorry everyone) that I think I'd better follow through with one once in a while, and this one is only writing so I think I can handle it... although I don't know how I will come up with 8 of all of these things. Feel free to skip.
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six "8" items
3) Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV Shows
1. The Office
2. I Love Lucy
3. Friends
4. American Idol
5. HGTV (all of it)
6. Grey's Anatomy
7. Everybody Loves Raymond
8. Seinfeld

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Oh man, I'm completely blank. Uh... I know I taught piano lessons
2. I think that's all I did yesterday. Oh! Ran the dishwasher.
3. I remember. Went to 2 different Targets and Wal-Mart
4. Bought way too many clothes for my kids (on clearance!)
5. Cleaned the kitchen
6. Talked to my dad
7. Ran 2.25 miles
8. Took a shower (I know, you're amazed)

8 Things I look forward to
1. next summer's triathlon (and being faster than this year)
2. Trav having a REAL job (HA HA - Jamie I left this one here, verbatim! AMEN!)
3. having a clean house
4. buying a house (sheesh Jamie, are we living the same life here?)
5. having more kids ("look forward" and "can't wait" are very different things though!)
6. my kids being able to play together and enjoy it (no one gets smothered or hair pulled)
7. Christmas in Utah!
8. moving somewhere EASIER (I hate to say it, but this really is a hard place to live. I like it all right, but I am definitely "looking forward" to moving.)

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Macaroni Grill
2. Red Rock Canyon Grill
3. Old Spaghetti Factory
4. That Brazilian grill with all the meat... you know what I mean. There are hundreds like this in Utah
5. Carrabba's (yes I like Italian)
6. Red Lobster (quick sidetrack - when I was pregnant with Kate I was craving their baked potatoes once, in the middle of the day, so I called Red Lobster and they actually made me a baked potato and packed it up to go so I could pick it up! It cost $2. It was amazing.)
7. P.F. Chang
8. Brand X in Springville... I think it's no longer there.

8 Things on my wish list (I feel a little guilty that I'm having no problem thinking of 8 things here...)
1. a house
2. a son (at least one... at some point. I'm getting scared of all these girls that keep showing up. Yes all two of them.)
3. to feel 100% organized and in control
4. to do more things FUN. Preferably with Travis
5. for everyone to learn about the Church (and hopefully join!) That would solve a LOT of problems.
6. amazing cooking skills
7. my wedding ring reset (perhaps you've noticed the impostor popping up in photos. Yep I'm no longer wearing the original)
8. a great new camera and the awesome photographer skills to go with it!

8 People to tag
Erika, Mom, Natalie (both of them), Shauna B., Laura, Callie, Marisa

12 sweet nothings:

Safire said...

Why do you think this is a hard area to live in?

And thanks for being my soundtrack this afternoon! Love your songs!

Unknown said...

I love your 8 things you did today. Haha! BTW--I resized my ring about a year and a half ago. It was great!

Travis and Jamie said...

Great minds think a like. Or maybe we are just hungry to no longer be poor students. Trav bought my ring too big so we resized it and he had me size it so it fit perfectly. I told him it wasn't a good idea. Now once and month and every baby (about 6 months in) I have to put it away.

The Pickled Red Herring said...

No guys, the ring SIZE is fine; it's the DIAMOND! It is actually LOOSE! I can actually hear it rattle! Scary huh? How weird is that? That should never happen, right?

alohareynolds said...

I just have to laugh because... I ALSO LOVED BRAND X BURGERS IN SPRINGVILLE!!! My brother use to take me there all the time, MMM!!! I miss that place! And as for the Scrubbing Bubbles, yes- you are right they are amazing! I had the HARDEST time narrowing my honorable mentions to 3 items... If I had it my way- the list would go on and on! LOL! I feel bad for Nate whenever I am stuck in the cleaning or kitchen gadget aisle- GOOD LUCK getting me out of there haha!

Erika said...

The restaurant you named is either Tucanos or Rodizio Grill. Neither of which I've been to yet. Also, I keep forgetting to tell you, but I had a dream about you the other night that you had a little boy. Strangely though, in my dream both Brooklyn and Kate were the same age as they are now. Hmmm.. maybe you adopt?

Nat said...

Ha ha ha...
I already did this tag, so neener neener neener! Thanks anyway!

I'm with you on the chain letters and tags. Ugh!

Anie said...

Loved your tag. I was tagged on one of these awhile back and never got around to doing it. I was thinking how I'd have to write about 8 things I did in the day, and how it was sound like I was just kicking back relaxing all day- when really. . . It's funny how it can sound like so little, but actually be a VERY stressful/ busy day! So, I'm also curious about the hard things about living here. I can think of one major thing that bugs me about living here, but I was curious as to why it's hard for you. Do share sometime! :)

The Pickled Red Herring said...

Oh okay... um are you ready??? For Safire & also Anie, about thinking it's hard to live here... DON'T YOU??? Holy cow. Everything costs twice as much and is 10 times harder to find, not to mention all items I might look for are scattered throughout 8 different stores across a 15-mile radius. I know it's dumb to base such a judgment on SHOPPING, but when it's what I spend 70% of my time doing, can you blame me? Also traffic is ridiculous and I don't mean the people (they're actually the smart ones) - I mean what the dept. of transportation has done. In Utah I commuted 20 miles to work and I could make it in 30-35 min. Here, to drive that far would take a couple hours, and it's mainly because of how the roads are laid out (both for FINDING them as well as driving on them... e.g. you CAN'T have a regular lane suddenly turn into a turning lane only and not expect regular pileups), how the lights are timed (5 min. waiting at each light is obviously too long), and the lack of sensor timing on the lights. (I have very strong opinions on the department of transportation.) Let me also say, though, that I also have a long LONG list of things I love and will miss about living here, and Travis even says he can see himself staying here forever (I tell him, "Be sure to write!" J/K) but when all is said and done, this area is just not for me. Not long-term anyway. And that is the rest of of the story.

The Pickled Red Herring said...

Oh my gosh but YOU GUYS are what makes this place not only bearable, but downright FUN! I would be lost without the great friends I have here!!! (Sorry... I forgot to mention that part.) Also sorry if I've offended any lifelong Marylanders with lots of Maryland pride (um I hope the Wheelers don't stumble across this one. Or the Butlers...)

Callie said...

You make valid comments about living here in Maryland. I can say that because I'm a newbie.
And about the tag..sorry Lady, I've already done it. Check post #1 from The Callie Chronicles. :)

Chandee said...

Cute blog, do you do digital scrapbooking?