Sunday, November 9, 2008

And the WINNER is...

(aka Krista's Mom)

She won the Travis & Krista quiz with a total of 105 points.

(Okay was anyone really surprised?)

She wins the wedding-cake-replica cupcake, which I will bring to her at Christmas! Pictures of her prize are soon to come! I know you are on the edge of your seats!


Another prize goes to Matt & Doreen for being our runners-up, with 85 points, and I give an extra 56 points for their awesome POEM that they wrote for the essay question. Be sure to check it out.

Here are the answers: (I also posted everyone's scores at the end.) I like to grade things. I'm a true English teacher through-and-through.

1. Travis & Krista dated for how long before tying the knot?
[a] 2 weeks

[b] 5 1/2 months

[c] 8 months
[d] 1.5 years

6. Which country have they NEVER visited together?
[a] South Africa

[b] Mexico

[c] Zimbabwe
[d] Canada
[e] Zambia

2. How long after meeting did it take for Travis to ask Krista out?
[a] 20 minutes

[b] 1 week
[c] 1 month
[d] 3 months

7. Krista & Travis can wear the same size of:

[a] Pants

[b] Shoes - is what I was going for, but okay fine I'll accept [f] all of the above

[c] Watch

[d] Ring

[e] Dress

3. And where did they go on their first date?
[a] ice skating
[b] BYU Preference dance

[c] BYU football game

[d] Brick Oven

8. What flavor was their wedding cake? (Were you there?)

[a] Vanilla

[b] Red velvet

[c] Almond poppyseed

[d] Chocolate

4. During the time they dated, Travis & Krista broke up how many times?
[a] never! They knew it was *meant to be* from Date #1!

[b] 2

[c] 6
[d] 12 - come on guys, this is the FAMOUS Lundell break-up record!

9. Travis & Krista both hate:

[a] cilantro

[b] coconut

[c] sushi

[d] calamari

5. What animal tried to ruin their honeymoon by viciously attacking Krista?
[a] Goose
[b] Jellyfish
[c] Dog

[d] Shark

10. What is their height difference?

[a] 3 inches

[b] 4 inches

[c] 5 inches

[d] 6 inches

Laura F. - 75
Marisa & Matt - 75
Melissa - 65 (I'm sure it would've been higher but I only got a partial list of her answers!)
Travis & Jamie - 65
Lara - 35
And Jen gets 10 for knowing that we broke up "a lot," even though she didn't take the whole quiz!

23 sweet nothings:

Marisa said...

You were attacked by a jellyfish?!! That's awesome! Okay, I'm sure it wasn't at the time, but it's definitely a cool story. That's so fun that your mom won and Matt and Doreen's poem was really cool.

NatPalmer said...

I remembered the jellyfish on your honeymoon. It was sort of a trick question, though, because didn't you get attacked by a goose on a school field trip once?

Anonymous said...

YESSSSSSS!! We KNOW you guys!! Muah ha ha! Fun quiz guys!
The boys and I will be flying in Dec. 16th and Matt will get in on the 20th. We fly back together on the 31st. We're good to party whenever!! Can't WAIT for Christmas vacation!!

Anonymous said...

YESSSSSSS!! We KNOW you guys!! Muah ha ha! Fun quiz guys!
The boys and I will be flying in Dec. 16th and Matt will get in on the 20th. We fly back together on the 31st. We're good to party whenever!! Can't WAIT for Christmas vacation!!

Carlson Family said...

Hooray! I get a replica cupcake! Nat, you were close - wasn't she attacked by a SWAN? Krista hates swans to this day!

The Pickled Red Herring said...

Wow you are good. Yes it was a swan. I think my mom could tell my life story better than I could. And yes Marisa - a jellyfish. I still have scars. No joke.

Anie said...

OK- SO Spencer and I TOTALLY would have won first place it we'd got our answers turned in on time!! Seriously, we started your quiz- we even have the piece of paper (yes, we wrote our answers down on paper) to prove it. But then, being the studious friends that we are- we wanted to double check and make sure everything was correct!!!! Then a busy weekend got even busier and i guess I forgot to go back and leave a comment with our answers!! MAN!!! Well, I know that we won and that's all that matters!!!! :) Thanks for the fun quiz!! We throughly enjoyed ourselves!!!!

Lis said...

um i should get BONUS POINTS FOR TRYING TO COMPLETE A QUIZ WITH A 101 FEVER!!! NO FAIR! How on EARTH did i miss the essay and the rest of the questions?? and what is A3???????? I dont even know what i was typing and I still came in 3rd! Your mom TOTALLY DOES NOT COUNT! SHe should be disqualified for A. looking exactly the same as krista and B. HELLO??? WHAT GOOD MOTHER WOULDNT KNOW THE ANSWERS TO ALL THOSE QUESTIONS! Not fair. I dont really need a cupcake. I just like to win. MUhahahah!

Marisa said...

Thanks so much Krista for answering my questions! I checked the blog out and that will be so very helpful! Where did you get the knee highs? That's an incredible deal!

Carlson Family said...

AAACK!!!!! Oh no!!! I'm being attacked by Lis and Anie. Okay, not so much Anie. But, Krista, if your friends knew all of this, then maybe you SHOULD disqualify me and split the cupcake up. Or better yet, have a cupcake party and just let everyone decorate their own - and have them try to copy your wedding cake. And don't worry, I'll just challenge Lis to a game of Cribbage or something and get her back...

The Pickled Red Herring said...

You are all right. She should have been disqualified in the first place. I just wanted to make sure SOMEone would know us that well! Anie if you and Spencer turn in your assignment late, I can still accept late papers. Ha ha! And Melissa gets an extra 24 points for accomplishing this with a 101 fever!

Anie said...

I am perfectly ok with your mom being the winner!!!! She deserves it!!! :) I am just satisfied knowing that Spencer and I did a pretty good job!!! I can't lie- we really didn't get 100%- but we got pretty darn close!! BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Krista's mom and all those who actually remembered to type in their answers!!!

Wendi said...

Um..I might argue with the answer that there is a 4 inch discrepancy between yours and Travis's height. This may require further research, but I thought Travis was approximately 5'6" and you were about 5'3". Where did I go array in my math or my calculations? I do remember the swan incident at the French restaurant in SLC. Then again, I could be wrong on all of this and be completely oblivious. I'll take the pregnancy brain excuse.

Travis and Jamie said...

DARN!! I was really hoping that we would win! Ofcourse, I think we guessed at half of those.

Trav says that you really are one of the funniest people its just that he never remembers my friends name so he calls her "the funny one".

The Pickled Red Herring said...

Ha ha! Wend that was pretty good. To be technical, Trav is 5'5 3/4" and I am 5'1 3/4". I think we remember being closer in size, since you think I am taller than I am and every time I see you, you look even taller. Um maybe I am shrinking.

Erika said...

Krista, just so you know, I put in my answers late. But maybe I should be disqualified too, since I am your sister. And I didn't know I was exactly an inch taller than you. I thought it was less than that, but I recently found out that I am 5'2 3/4". So I could claim 5'3 if I wanted, but I've been 5'2 for so long it's just stuck.

Erika said...

One other thing, and I realize that this sounds totally cliche, but in the picture of you holding the picture of your cake, you have very beautiful eyes. Yes, you have my permission to roll those lovely chocolate brown eyes at me.

The Pickled Red Herring said...

Ha ha! You're so cute. And also you scored 95! YAY good job!

Lis said...

Kelly im up for a game of Mario Kart? We can play accross the world too!!! Then well see who wins! It would probably still be you! Your Kristas mom and since SHE is so amazing- you have to be MORE amazing since you raised her!!! and that would totally make me come in last place.

Is anyone even still reading this or am i ALONE IN HERE?

Krista, ill have your pictures in a few days! There are a few cute ones! HOORAY!

Carlson Family said...

Hey Lis, I don't know how to play Mario Kart - or even what it is, so you win! Besides you're too nice to beat. Let's just share a cupcake - cut into several pieces I'd say, as so many know Krista and Travis well!

Unknown said...

Uhhh... do you REMEMBER my Mario Kart skills? No contest. You'd win by a landslide and I'd be going, "Hey I think this thing isn't working properly..." (always my excuse with Wii). So that goes for my mom as well I'm sure! I'm pathetic when it comes to the Wii.

Unknown said...

Oops that was Krista. Travis really does have mad Wii skills.

jbel said...

thank heaven for bonus points, they got me on the leader board!