YIKES! Yes she tried to put on mascara by herself. (She missed.) As soon as I ran for the camera, she knew she was in serious trouble. She knows the punishment table: Time out = Level 1 Offense; Mommy grabbing the camera = Level 4 Offense. She kept saying, "NOOO... I want wash my face..." Oh yes, she was embarrassed.
12 sweet nothings:
Nice! Lovely. How cute that she was embarrassed. I LOVE your new blog look!!!
Thanks for making me laugh out loud today! :)
Check out my blog- I have a surprise for you!!!
OOoooooH MY GOSH! Kate is SO entertaining! Thats SOOOOO funny!!! Haha! she does NOT look happy about you taking her picture either! haha! Poor girl! She was just trying to be like her MOMMY!!!! CUTE!!!
That is so funny. It cracks me up that she knows when the camera comes out that she is in serious trouble. Luckily it's trouble we all get to see, hee hee.
my sister told me to come check out your blog!! Too funny. And hilarious that she was embarrassed!! I didn't know that could be a punishment...well not in our house, they'd do it again!
This is HILARIOUS!!! I'm still laughing!!! That first picture is just too funny!! She looks SO GUILTY!!! Were you laughing?? It'd be hard not to! It's like you want to be mad, but then you're dying laughing inside! I love that she knew it was naughty! You have her well trained! :)
Yes I was cracking up - and that was the punishment to her (the camera added to it) - she doesn't like to be laughed at!
Ha ha! So funny! I like your Halloween theme! How did you dress up your family picture?
Natalie (Palmer) did it! If you compliment hers, she will make one for you too!!!
I think every toddler has gotten into their mom's mascara and covered themself at least ONCE. Btw, that is a cute top on Kate.
Oh, poor Kate. I wish I were there to NOT laugh at her! But this reminds me of some of the messes Erika made. I don't think you ever did this type of thing, Krista!
Oh goodness, thanks for the laugh out loud. I adore that first pic of Kate. Way too funny!
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