I suddenly remembered that for Kate's 6 month birthday, we made a big deal and had cake and fed her solid food for the first time... So I decided I'd better keep it up so my kids don't feel like I'm unfair. But we're trying to eat less junk food (stop laughing! Stop it!) so rather than have a whole cake lying around, I made only 1/3 of a recipe and made little baby cupcakes, which I thought were appropriate. And the cake? Angel food, of course! I first made a 6, for 6 months, but Travis said this was more accurate.
Don't worry - she didn't get to eat any. And okay so the cupcakes... bet you never heard of angel food cupcakes before... Yeah I think there's a reason for that. And also, my frosting kind of flopped so I improvised. Usually not a good idea, with me. I know they kind of look disgusting, but... okay they kind of were, but we have to do whatever we can to drive ourselves away from the treats!
Unfortunately she celebrated the big day with a trip to the doctor, including 4 shots! OUCH! She weighed in at 16 lbs. 11 oz. (60th or so percentile), 27 1/2 inches tall (long?) - (96th percentile... I know... what?), and her head, um I don't remember the measurement but it was average. Not sure what to make of that one anyway.
I can't believe it was only half a year ago that I was as big as a house, sitting in Montgomery General Hospital with my semi-conscious husband (full story here) and this beautiful brand-new princess in my arms! Time really flies when you're having fun!
Brooklyn's achievements: sits unsupported (until she falls over), rolls over, laughs, chatters, flaps her arms, eats cereal, adores her sister, and sits around looking cute.
Why I love her: She is so patient and strong, she is outgoing and energetic, she is always excited to see me, she has those big blue eyes and gigantic cheeks I want to eat, and today when I picked her up because she was crying for me, she cuddled her head into my shoulder and just sat very still. It was so sweet.
I love you, little girl!!! I'm so happy to be your mommy!
4 sweet nothings:
Great slideshow!! I cannot believe that she is 6 months old! Where did the time go? Amazing! She is such a sweetheart! You crack me up with your angel food cake cupcakes. ;)
PS--I left an answer for you on my blog.
CRAZY!!!! I can NOT believe that she is already 6 months!!! That TOTALLY flew by!!! What a doll!
What a beautiful little girl. You'll have to give me tips on raising girls. I'm nervous!
That is so Travis--making it say .5!! haha! Brooklyn's growing so fast!!
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