Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's that time of year again...

That's right... the opening of BYU FOOTBALL SEASON!

True to tradition, we spent last night (the night before the first game) staying up late and making our own shirts. It was fun, even though this year we had no Gertsches to spend it with... This year we went the extra mile and made shirts for Kate & Brooklyn too. I thought it would be cute if all the girls matched. Travis thinks I am a traitor for using pink (he said it's too close to red) but I think it's important to maintain some hints of femininity when dressing our follically-challenged little girls. Here is the finished set:

This tradition of ours stemmed from wanting to wear BYU apparel without paying the high bookstore prices. So now every year we make our own shirts. The only rule is it has to be done by hand (obviously copying the design is okay). This practice has served us well for all our BYU-wearing needs... assuming we don't mind shouldering the occasional encounter with people giving us the once-over, zeroing in on the shirt, and asking politely, "Did you make that?"

Travis did his with a stencil he hand-carved using a razor blade... including the lettering detail at the bottom. I was pretty proud of him.We will add pictures later of us actually wearing the shirts. (We aren't in any of the pictures from last night because, well, it was like 1 a.m.) Also I would like to catalogue our historical tradition of shirt-making in photos. Soon to come.

Watch the game for us tonight (we don't even get it here on the East Coast!) - 4 p.m. MST...


8 sweet nothings:

Lis said...

OH BOY! I wish we were into football! Thats something I would have fun with!!! maybe we can start this tradition for american idol??? Ill make AI shirts with you! you guys crack me up!

Unknown said...

Those are great shirts! I am so impressed! I can't believe you did those by hand! Every time I turn around, you bring out more talents!

Spencer said...

LOVE the shirts!!!! Ya, we gotta get on the ball and make some this year!!! I just lack any sort of creativity!! We need HELP!! I personally like the pink even though Spencer had to agree with Travis on questioning where your loyalty was!! :) Anyway- GO COUGARS!!! Here's to a good season!! I guess the games are going to be listened to this year though. Do you guys get any of the games on TV?? We're both dying over here without television!!! Oh, and this comment is from Anie- not Spencer!! Probably already figured that out by now!

Unknown said...

Hey Krista! CUTE SHIRTS!! I think that is the coolest tradition - we should take it on as well. We watched the game and loved it - Go Cougars! Hey thanks so much for your nice comments on our blog. I am way behind too (we have definitely had other things going on lately...), and it was fun to see all of your updates. Your girls are ADORABLE! I love Brooklyn's chub. Hope you are doing well, and tell Travis congrats from us!

Anonymous said...

AWW MAN! I REALLY really REALLY wish we could've been there again for this year's t-shirt making. I remember how intimidated Matt and I were when we came over and saw your previous shirts and how good they looked. We get comments ALL the time about our shirts, "Did you make that shirt??" So I guess that means we have a lot of crafty catching up to do to become more like you guys. Right now our shirts seem to be a good conversation starter b/c of how home-made they look. I'm going to have to make this a tradition in our family too because that was TOO fun!! All of your t-shirts look like they're actually from the bookstore!! I love them!

Anonymous said...

Hey-one more me sometime when the kids are sleeping and you have some time to chat so I can fill you in on CVS.

Lauren said...

How fun!!! I remember when the tradition began and I have to say you are getting better--they look professional! You may not care to hear this :) but Mike and I went to the game and bought the Quest shirts for $5 each! You're right, though, they usually are at least $15 and such a rip off. Can't wait to see them modeled!

Unknown said...

I saw the price online when I went looking for an image to copy. I thought I probably spent more time and money on making the shirt than the $5.00 price that the bookstore offered them for but I had a lot of fun and pride making it.