Kate displays her presents... and may I add that the Play-Doh set is amazing. Best ten bucks we ever spent... Of course we all three spent the next hour or so playing with it!
I know you're getting bored but the best is yet to come. Plus I am typing with one hand so this is requiring a lot more patience for me than it is for the reader. So that evening Travis took Kate back to the pet shop, which had agreed to replace the fish since the poor guy hadn't even made it 24 hours. He walked up to the counter, plopped the baggie with the fish corpse on the counter top, and said, "My fish died." The guy there was looking down but suddenly his head snapped up and he said, "Are you crying?" Travis said incredulously, "...NO..." (Apparently his voice sounded unsteady or something so the guy thought he was crying...) When he told me later I laughed until I cried. Just the picture in my head... a 30-year-old man walks into a pet store with a two-year-old and a dead goldfish, crying... Okay maybe you have to hear Travis tell the story but I thought it was hilarious!!!
PS Fruit Snack has been replaced by an almost all white goldfish (the only one left at the store!), not nearly as handsome as his predecessor, and both fish are now doing well and living in a bigger home. And in case you think we totally pulled the wool over Kate's eyes, not even close. She's not an idiot. As soon as she saw the surviving fish swimming alone in a pickle jar while we took care of the evidence, she kept asking where the "other one fishy" was... And then the next day, when we showed her that there were again two fish swimming together, she STILL asked about the "other one fishy!" I think we just pretended not to know what she was talking about. I know, you're thinking this was badly managed on the part of Mom & Dad, and we missed a perfect opportunity to discuss with her the fragility of life and what happens in death, etc., but we just decided to play dumb instead.
3 sweet nothings:
OH my gosh! Youre a HILARIOUS!!! Thats a great story and WELL told! haha! PS YOUR CAKE IS NOT UGLY! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! I love it!!! Maybe i could hire you to make one for Lexi's party were throwing here!!! Im scared of what mines going to look like! I want to come play with Kates play-doh!!! OOH! FUN!!! See you tomorrow for MORE Birthday FUN!
Haha!!! What a great story. I would have loved to have been there when the guy asked if Travis was crying. That is great! Poor Kate wondering where her other fishy is. She's a smart girl!
You are getting very talented making cakes. I'm impressed!
HAHA!! That's such a funny story. I can totally picture Travis at the store! Happy #2 to Kate!!
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