Wednesday, November 28, 2007

IT'S A......

Sorry; I'm not gonna tell yet! You'll have to call if you want to know what type of baby we're having! Unless you can tell just by looking at that cherubic little face...

We think Baby #2 looks SO different from Kate's ultrasound pictures - a completely different profile! Can you tell? Okay so the one of Kate is actually pretty hard to see - use your imagination. These pictures were taken at exactly the same gestational age for both babies (20 1/2 weeks)

New baby


4 sweet nothings:

Lauren said...

Ohhhhh, mean! :) He/she looks completely precious!

Lauren said...

He he he... Thanks for relieving my curiosity!!! Congrats to you guys and Kate the big sister!

Kari said...

Thats not very nice! Please please tell me?

NatPalmer said...

Man... either technology has improved since you had Kate or your new hopsital has better equipment because "New Baby" is so clear. He/she (not to give it away, although I think you can tell by the face) is adorable. I especially like his/her little chin! :)